Twos & Slot Canyon



This is a dualistic look at pairs of everyday objects and their relationships. Every set of subjects photographed for this project has a unique relationship spanning from partnerships to rivalries. Although the relationships unite the subjects, there is also an individuality to each pair splitting them in two. You may notice that each set is titled with a synonym of one of the definitions of “match” revealing my interpretation of the relationship. What’s yours?


For a photographer, dualism is most obviously seen in light and shadow, ‘cause when making a photograph, light and its absence is all we have. A recent trek to Antelope Canyon near Page, Arizona, allowed me to make some images which illustrate this duality. Picture hiking through dark slot canyons when suddenly shafts of light make the walls glow or seeing the texture of the sandstone walls come to light with the shadows—these are the scenes captured here.


含まれた作品は日常的なもの関係を二元論の目で撮影しました。 一個一個のペアーには独特の関係が有ります。この関係が(ライバルだろうがパートナーだろうが)ペアーを一体化させますが、同時に一個一個の作品の個性がセットを二つにもします。気がついたと思いますが、展示してある作品のタイトルはすべて、英単語の “match” と同義語です。Matchには意味がいくつか有りますが、タイトルに使っている同義語は作者が見るペアーの関係を表しています。あなたはどう見ます?

スロット キャニオン


Twos & Slot Canyon
2009.9.19 – 10.18

Jill D’ Art Gallery

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