1 Image | 1 Moment in Time | 1 Lifetime Memory
World Wide Angle started in ’96 with plans to photograph the world through my favorite lens, the slightly wide angle 35mm. I love this lens because it forces me take a step closer to get the perfect shot which leads to a connection with my models and/or subject matter. The “step closer” is so important that it is the first topic i touch on when teaching classes. Discussing the lens and my plans with my friend Mitch, from California based Hugo Mitchell Advertising, led him to come up with the wordplay name.
Since that evening, true to plan, i have been documenting the world with my 35mm & other lenses. I have worked for various publications and traveled the world expanding my stock library. I’ve worked for United Airlines and JAL’s inflight magazines along with national magazines on both sides of the Pacific. In recent years i have added Contemporary Portraiture to my focus. With the experience gained in the field, i focus on making amazing photographs of the most important subject matter in the world; your children and your family.
If you would like to discuss a photo session for any occasion, please contact me for further information or any questions you may have.
ワールド ワイド アングルは’96年に設立しました。世界(ワールド)を一番好きなレンズ、広角(ワイドアングル)な35mmを通して撮影する事は常々僕の計画でした。このレンズに愛着を持っている理由は、広角レンズだと標準レンズに比べて焦点距離が短いため完璧な写真を撮るには自ずともう一歩前に踏み込む必要がある、それが被写体や撮影対象とのつながりへと導いてくれるからです。写真教室などで生徒に真っ先に教えるのも「もう一歩前へ」の大切さ。あるとき長年の友と、レンズと写真構想について熱く語り合っていたらふと彼が言葉遊びから『ワールドワイドアングル』というネーミングを思いつきました。
Being born & raised in Japan of an American family has led to my bi-lingual/ bi-cultural state, a perspective which gives me a unique “eye” when making my photos. It is this perspective i draw on when i focus on making my images.
My wife Yukari & i are based in Nagoya, though we are on the road quite a bit.